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Seed once a week and water lightly twice a day until spots fill in. But don't
fertilize until Memorial Day. If you are looking for outdoor patio furniture, decorative birdhouses, outdoor
garden fountains, tuned wind chimes and much more for your backyard go to YourGardenRetreat.com [http://www.yourgardenretreat.com/home.html].
Marchis a great month for trimming and tidying. Dig them, roots and all, before they
set seed which will lessen their numbers latero Now is when you should cut back
your ornamental grasses. When things arrive, bare-root woody plants will take priority in planting, so
think ahead.o Bulbs such as lilies and Canna should be planted now for summer and
fall color.o Annuals that enjoy the cooler weather March offers may be planted. Feed your
container plants alsoShrubs and Treeso Remove the winter mulch from existing roses and prune as
needed. Not the best time to transplant unless tree or shrub is still in dormant
tn requin stage.Flower and Bulb Bedso Test the pH levels in planting beds. Protect deciduous trees from
mites, scale and aphids by treating with horticultural oil.o Start watering trees and shrubs that
you planted in the fall. A slow, steady watering is best. Consult a good rose
book for the best methods to trim your type of rose since timing and methods
varyo Prune your trees especially fruit trees (except walnut, maple and birch trees). Masoero is
an avid gardener and bird lover. New growth will appear in a few weeks.Other Stuffo
Check garden tools. Fix, sharpen or replace them as necessary.o Clean out your birdhouses get
them ready for spring nestingo Take the mower in for a tune-up.o Broken or weak
arbors, fences and trellis should be repaired this montho Cleaning and repairing drip irrigation lineso
Remove leaves from the bottom of ponds or other water featureso Start over seeding bare
nike pas cher spots in the lawn. Thin last year's growth on peegee hydrangeas, and remove dead wood
at the base of oak-leaf hydrangeaso Get a step ahead by edging and weeding your
beds. These include pansies, snapdragons and calendulas.o Tulip and daffodil bulbs require a light application
of fertilizer (a high- nitrogen, quick-release fertilizer)o Cut smooth hydrangeas all the way to the
ground. Begin when you see new leaves appear. Hold or tie the old growth with
twine and cut the grass 4-6 inches from the ground. Try using a hose on
a slow trickle or a soaker hose to water deeply and wello Plant new fruit
trees, rose bushes, berries, spring flowering shrubs and other deciduous plants. Do not prune flowering
shrubs.o Fertilize deciduous and evergreen trees. Apply pre-emergent crabgrass control to your lawn"Spring is when
you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." - Doug LarsonL.B. Feed
(16-16-16) fruit and ornamental trees, groundcovers, shrubs, perennials and annuals that have been in the
ground at least six weeks. Adjusting the pH level of soil is the single most
important garden task you can perform to get healthy plants.o Cut back perennials that you
left standing for wintero This is a great time to buy and plant perennials as
the soil is still cool. Also if you are ordering in bare root plants from
mail order, this should be done early in month. Get it done now because a
month from now you'll be busy cleaning dirt from under your fingernails.March is one of
the most important months of the year for fertilizing because it is the start of
the growing season. To discover ideas for your backyard living such as grill recipes,gardening tips,
attracting wildlife, lawn care, decorating and maintaining your outdoor living space, go to My Backyard.

