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BILL'S LITTLE GREEN BOOK FOR ELIMINATING KNEE PAIN, DR. Stronger analgesics, like Codeine, Darvon, Hydrocodone (Vicodin),
Percocet (Oxycodone), etc. The use of Omega 3Fatty Acids found in Fish Oil or Flax
Seed Oil is also effective, due to its intrinsic anti-inflammatory properties. Glucosamine sulfate, with or
without Chondroitin sulfate has generated mixed reviews in a number of studies, in the US
and Europe. Their main downside is the potential for addiction. So to effect this, anti-inflammatory
measures, combined with weight loss, behavior modification and analgesics help to relieve joint pain.Actual weight
reduction is helpful because for every pound of bodyweight lost, the force across the weightbearing
joints (hip & knee) is reduced by three to four pounds. This also applies to
Aspirin, which should NOT be taken with NSAID's, as they both share the same side
effects.Tylenol (acetaminophen) CAN be taken, though, as it relieves pain (and reduces fever, like aspirin),
but has NO anti-inflammatory effects, nor the side effects of NSAID's. Because of the widespread
pain and disability caused by arthritis, and the vast resources consumed in its treatment, arthritis
is becoming a major health problem.There are two main forms of arthritis--degenerative or osteoarthritis and
inflammatory arthritis. Catherine of Siena Medical Center, Smithtown, NY and Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic
Surgery, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY; President & CEO of Dr. And avoiding those activities
that subject the joints to increased joint forces and shocks, like running or jumping (eight
to ten times bodyweight), will slow the degenerative process.Anti-inflammatory measures are effective for both degenerative
and inflammatory arthritis, because inflammation plays a role in producing pain in each. RA is
theorized to be an autoimmune disease, that is, the body's own immune system erroneously behaves
as though the body's own tissues are foreign and attacks them.Though its cause is not
known, it is likely there is a genetic predisposition to this disease, as it is
more tn requin common in women and more common when a parent, or grandparent has had the
disease.If complete destruction of the articular cartilage has occurred within the joint, with broad surfaces
of completely exposed, bare bone, nothing short of a total joint replacement will relieve pain,
restore function and correct deformity. In response to this cartilage damage, the lining of the
joint, the synovium, becomes secondarily inflamed, producing excessive joint fluid and joint swelling.By contrast, inflammatory
arthritis is a primary disease of the synovium. OTC NSAID's (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like Advil
or Aleve can be effective, as can their prescription strength forms. and author of DR.
I believed that when I was actively performing those procedures, and I believe it now.Fortunately,
there are a number of other treatments and non-surgical methods from across the entire medical
spectrum, including mainstream conventional, alternative and complimentary techniques. To this end, treatment goals are first,
pain relief and then, restoration of function.Pain is a result of chemical and mechanical stimulation
of pain nerves within the subchondral bone and within the synovium and soft tissues around
the joint. Various herbs, including ginger, turmeric, devil's claw, and enzymes like bromelain have known
anti-inflammatory effects.Topical measures include counter-irritants, like capsaician sprays and creams, derived from the oil of
hot peppers, which can relieve pain. Used by vetrinarians and athletic trainers with good effect
for years, it is still not FDA approved for this purpose and must be used
with caution.Alternative methods include accupressure or accupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy modalities (like ultrasound, diathermy, iontophoresis,
cold laser, hydrotherapy, and massage therapy) and of course, strengthening and stretching exercises, for long
term joint support and optimal function.All these methods are effective for some people, but often
work best in combination. But except for a tendency to elevate blood sugars in diabetics,
it is harmless, may support articular cartilage and provide some pain relief. Vitamin E has
anti-inflammatory properties, tn requin as well. Bill's Clinic, Inc. There are some non-narcotic analgesics, like Ultram, but
these too are prescription drugs.A number of Disease Modifying Agents, like methotrexate are especially effective
in controlling the inflamed synovium of inflammatory arthritis. So it's best avoided until a joint
is truly end stage and there is no other alternative. DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxone), a by-product
of wood chips, has its own anti-inflammatory properties and in addition is a carrier molecukle--it
can carry other substances through the skin to the tissues below, like steroids (hydrocortisone), or
analgesics (morphine). Though commonly thought of as "wear and tear" arthritis, it's actually a much
more complex biological problem, in which the protective coating of articular cartilage first loses water,
then becomes soft, fragments and eventually erodes to expose the underlying bone. Well cushioned shoes
are also effective as they absorb the shocks of walking. These drugs, however, MUST be
taken with FOOD or MILK, to protect the stomach from excess acidity, reflux, ulcer production
or bleeding, which are well known side effects of these medications. BILL'S PAIN-FREE PROGRAM: EXERCISES
use of a cane, crutches, or a walker can also lighten the load a joint
carries, as well as providing stability. Getting your doctor involved early in that process is
probably the best thing you can do. The object is to relieve pain, prevent or
at least delay irreparable cartilage damage, and so avoid surgery, as long as possible. For
this reason, they are often referred to as collagen diseases, named after the protein collagen
from which the connective tissues are made.There are a host of diseases classified as inflammatory
arthritis, but the prototype for this group of diseases is Rheumatoid Arthritis. When this membrane
becomes inflamed, it thickens and swells and produces destructive enzymes (erosive chemicals), which literally digest
and ultimately destroy the articular cartilage, exposing the underlying bone. Another major difference from OA
is that an inflammatory arthritis is a systemic disease, which affects the entire body, not
only joints, but other connective tissues, as well. OA is by far the more common
disease, afflicting many of us as we age. The cartilage itself has no nerves and
can feel no pain. The trick is to find that individualized combination that works for
you. are narcotics and are only available by prescription, under a physician's supervision. Appropriate bracing,
with either custom or off-the-shelf braces can restore stability, optimal joint alignment and optimize distribution
of joint forces. The "how" is well described, though the "why" is still unknown, save
for cases where injury or trauma has caused cartilage damage. However, joint replacement is a
major surgical procedure, with a number of potential risks. Stillwell, MDDr. The aging of the
Baby Boomer Generation, the leading edge of which is now entering its sixties, brings with
it a flood of degenerative diseases, including the various forms of arthritis. Bill is the
on-line handle for William Thomas Stillwell, MD, FACS, FICS, FAAOS, FAANAOS, FAAPGS, board certified orthopaedic
specialist, Chairman Emeritus, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. But regardless which methods you and your
doctor choose, as you can see, although there is no cure for arthritis, there are
many non-operative ways that you can relieve pain and maintain or restore function, while avoiding,
or delaying surgery.(c) 2008 W. These medications, and others like Ridaura, Humera, and Enbrel or
some combinations of these may be effective, but require close monitoring by blood tests and
the close supervision of a physician, preferably a rheumatologist (specialist in arthritic diseases).Dietary measures to
relieve pain include avoidance of red meat and other sources of arachadonic acid, which is
a chemical precursor to prostaglandins (chemical mediators of pain). For a FREE report: SECRETS TO
RELIEVING KNEE PAIN, go to http://www.drbillsclinic.com/. 

