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please, train your counter staff to do more than collect money and clean tanning beds. At
the very least, counter people should always keep their areas fresh and clean and be
responsible for cleaning up any messes that may get drawn into the shop lobby from
people's shoes or clothes.Finally, remember to tell them to turn on their personal glow with
a smile. If you are wondering how you can make your tanning salon more profitable,
you may be surprised to learn it's not your equipment that is disappointing customers, but
rather your front counter!Customers often judge an entire store by their first minute experience, so
you have to make sure that your sales associates are nike shox nz up to their task. Even
worse, if the counter appearance or the look of your employees is a mess you
may even have some customers walk straight back out the door. Therefore, you must make
sure your counter staff knows what is going on to prevent these scenarios from happening.There
are plenty of tanning industry training opportunities available for employees with potential, but just need
a little more guidance. In essence, the employee you have working your front counter is
the front piece for your entire corporation for every customer who walks in the door
during his or her shift.Therefore, any tanning bed or tanning business questions they are unable
to answer means (to them) tn requin your tanning salon is not knowledgeable, with an underlying implication
that it is not trustworthy. People go tanning for the warmth and relaxation as well
as the tan, so make sure your counter person is helping them achieve their goal
to the fullest!Ron Wilson is the Director of Sales for ETS Tan, one of the
largest tanning bed and tanning salon product producers. Create a checklist to keep them busy
so that they give off an impression of importance to the customers, which in turn
will make them hold your business in a higher esteem. and next time, they are
going to go somewhere else. Therefore, if you are not a chain tanning salon, you
may choose to attend these events yourself and make sure you personally brief all your
employees on everything you learn that you think is new and fresh information.Don't follow the
"easy road" to failure... If the employee is lazy or appears disinterested, customers are going
to be resentful that they stopped in... You could send them to the ITA show,
NTTI, SmartTan training, or have an ETS Tan industry specialist come to the shop for
a meeting/ training. However, this can be very expensive for a small tanning salon to
afford on a regular basis. Ron shares frequent industry insights on his blog at http://etstan.com
and enjoys working directly with tan salon owners and tanning bed distributors..
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